Action research is the process of a principal
studying their own administrative practice and using what they learn to make
changes (Dana, 2009). It is a tool for systematically gaining knowledge about
teaching and learning, examining the gathered data, and making changes for
improvement (Harris et al., 2010).
The benefits of conducting action research are numerous. One is that teachers are collaborating and investigating their own problems and are actively participating in the decision-making process (Ringler, 2007). Those who are performing the action research are more likely to facilitate change since they are the ones systematically researching and proposing plans. Another benefit is that principals who are conducting action research are pushed out of isolation by collaborating with others about best practices (Dana, 2009). Through this, the principals become “head learners” and show the importance of lifelong learning to their teachers and students.
Action research is used in a variety of
different ways within educational settings. For example, we are taking a course
that is completely devoted to action research. In this course we are to
complete a proposal for action research, discuss it with our site supervisor,
and begin to complete the project of implementing our action research plan.
Another way action research is used is through leadership teams that principals
make for shared decision making, problem solving, strategic planning,
monitoring and coordinating programs, and policy development (Dana, 2009). This
is the idea of using shared leadership with the members of the leadership team.
A third way for action research to be used is in professional learning communities.
These groups of staff members meet to research and study more effective
teaching strategies and activities. In these PLCs everyone is a researcher and
everyone is collaborating.
Reflection is an important skill in leadership
because it helps leaders to connect personal experiences with considerations
that are brought up by other people with knowledge about the similar
experience. There are many bridges build between everyday experiences and
meaningful theories when a leader takes the time to reflect upon events and
uses reflection as a tool (Martin et al., 2012). Using reflection when
conducting action research is important because this kind of research calls
for investigation, planning, examining, asking questions, and making changes
(Dana, 2009). If the change is to be fruitful, meaningful reflection is
required to reassess and move forward. I will be able to use action research to study the effectiveness of our new implementation of PLCs instead of team planning. Our school is a T-STEM academy that has about 100 students per grade level for grades 9-12. Each day, the teachers have a meeting for the grade level that they teach. We have a specific structure to follow with a daily agenda to follow. Lately, there has been a feeling of ineffectiveness in these grade level meetings. Some teachers have proposed implementing more of a PLC format to our meetings which would include adding department meetings and vertical teaming to our grade level meetings. I spoke to my site supervisor about changing our grade level meetings to add the other aspects of a PLC and we have tentatively planned to implement a revised meeting structure and agendas next school year. Among the teachers, there are mixed feelings about the change in our daily meetings. Some subjects like science and history feel that incorporating vertical teaming would not benefit them since their subjects vary widely from year to year. Other teachers of math and english feel that they would benefit greatly from having vertical teaming since their subjects rely heavily on the previous year's knowledge. I would like to assess the effectiveness of our new meeting structure and agendas in reference to our newly laid objectives and anticipated outcomes.
How educational leaders might use blogs:
Educational leaders might use blogs as a way to keep teachers, parents, and students up to date with school activities and events. Leaders could also post ideas for teaching strategies and/or classroom activities for teachers to review and comment on. Teachers could even rate different posts in terms of helpfulness or maybe alterations they made in their classrooms or suggestions they may have for others. Blogs are a great way to informally share experiences, ideas, or questions among others. Educational leaders can share effective lesson plans, comment on ideas for the next school fundraiser, and dialogue with others.
I really like your idea about educational leaders sharing effective lesson plans. I am always looking for ways to improve my current lessons or trying to find better ways to teach different concepts.